March 26, 2025
Royal Beauty Blog

Are You Considering an Arm Lift? Important Information You Should Know

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Arm Lift – Your skin may be healthy and fit, however it may not be as elastic as it was in the past. Alternatively, you may have had positive results through eating right or gastric bypass. However, you may not be satisfied with your results: folds of extra skin dangling from your upper arms.

Many people decide to have an arm lift to alleviate the vexing extra skin that flaps under their arms. If you’re considering an arm lift, here’s everything you need to know about it.

How Will An Arm Lift Improve My Appearance?

This isn’t just a concern for people who are trying to lose weight. Your skin may become crepey and floppy as you get older, resulting in extra skin beneath your arms. You’ve probably even noticed this if you’ve lost a lot of weight or had a lot of weight changes. Arm lift would be a great choice in those cases. An arm lift will help you achieve a better shape. It will also eliminate extra, drooping skin as well as fat that stretches from the forearm to underarm.

What Should You Anticipate From An Arm Lift Procedure?

This cosmetic procedure will be done in a surgery room while under general anesthesia. Fat will be extracted from the inner rear portion of your  upper arm. Also, your cosmetic surgeon will remove some portions of the skin. If you have too much loose skin, your cosmetic surgeon may also remove some from your armpit, and potentially all the way to your torso.

An arm lift typically takes up to three hours to complete. After that, you’ll be required to wear a compression bandage to assist with swelling. Within a couple of days, you should be able to resume modest activity. After about a month, you will be able to resume vigorous exercise.

Will Liposuction Get Rid Of My Flabby Arms?

An excellent cosmetic procedure for getting rid of excess fat is liposuction but this procedure doesn’t specifically target the upper arm as effectively as an arm lift. However, if liposuction is performed along with an arm lift, you will get better results.

For the majority of patients, liposuction alone will not solve their extra skin issues. It will only leave you with extra skin. Patients with extra fat but whose skin is tightened is best suited for liposuction.

How Much Does It Cost?

An arm lift usually costs around $5,000. This does not, however, include the cost of anesthesia, the cost of the surgery room, or any other associated costs. During your initial consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with an exact cost for the entire procedure.

What Are Other Things I Should Consider?

It is important that you have realistic expectations and goals. An arm lift is a safe procedure that will help remove any excess skin and/ or fat from your upper arm. Although complications are a possibility, it is very rare.

During your initial consultation, you should talk with your cosmetic surgeon regarding what to expect during recovery and the steps you need to take to prepare for the procedure. When searching for a cosmetic surgeon, make sure they are board-certified and have many years of experience.


Arm lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure for those with extra fat and skin in the upper arm area. It is critical that your surgery be performed by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to ensure you get the best results with no complications. During your initial consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will go over your goals, expectations, recovery process, and any necessary preparation.