March 11, 2025
Royal Beauty Blog

Tattoos – Shoulder tattoos for women and men, Designs and Ideas

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What are Tattoos?

Tattoos are drawings, text, or shapes permanently drawn onto the skin by injecting ink or other pigments under the dermis.

Their duration is practically permanent because the cells of the dermis are very stable.

Although tattoos are traditionally done manually with needles and injections.

Today’s most common method is using particular machines that make the process faster and more efficient.

The tattoo culture dates back to 60,000 years ago, and many civilizations have used tattoos since then, such as the Egyptians or ancient Greece and Rome.

Tattoos are currently conceived as an art form, but they have had different meanings throughout history: religious, hierarchical, or only as a body ornament.

Meaning of the tattoo on the fingers

  • Small tattoos can be put on the middle finger, as this finger was believe to have a blood vessel directly connected to the heart.
  • Some persons also choose to get tattoos around the left hand’s ring finger, where a wedding ring is traditionally position.
  • The tattoo serves as an enduring symbol of the bond between man and woman and can be worn alone or with the wedding ring.
  • People with tattoos on their fingers are artists, people with creative souls, empathetic but sensual women.
  • Finger tattoos reflect a personality that will not go where others, even knowing that they can be left alone. They are vital people.

Shoulder tattoos for women and men, designs and ideas

  • The tattoos on the shoulder are a favorite for all women and men who want to have a colorful tattoo that moves by the shoulder and fits well to the anatomy places.
  • It is also a place that lends itself, due to its size and location, to become a canvas for truly exceptional intricate designs, and which during this brief study.
  • We will try to unveil and enrich at least a little bit, finally providing you with a tattoo gallery in the shoulder to be able to replicate or inspire yours in the best possible way.

Shoulder tattoos for women and men, designs and ideas

Why get a shoulder tattoo?

  • Let’s start with analyzing the place chosen to get the tattoo done, the shoulder; it is a very grateful area to incorporate a design.
  • And you are also lucky to play with the point in favor of symmetry, so your plan can focus on two addresses,
  • That is why we see many tattoos on the shoulder that complement each other, left and right, being different works.
  • But that has to do with the whole meaning (for example, star tattoos on one shoulder and moon tattoos on the other).
  • Further people are looking to make their work of body art and develop an original design according to the meaning and history they want to capture.
  • The tattoos on the shoulder have, for example, a rose tattooed in the upper area, and underneath, they have a tattoo of a leading name or a phrase in Latin.
  • Another of the designs that we see on tattooed shoulders, apart from the flower tattoos that tend to triumph in this area, is 3d tattoos.
  • 3d tattoos take advantage of the shoulder’s protruding part relief to accentuate the effect.
  • There are many types of tattoos that can look good on the shoulder. If you are thinking of performance something there, you should know a couple of things:

When to get a shoulder tattoo?

  • If you are in view of getting your first tattoo, you may be considering the shoulder as a possible option.
  • It is an area that continues without losing popularity, which makes shoulder tattoos very common.
  • It should be noted that the shoulder is the beginning of what is known as a “sleeve,” an entire tattooed arm.
  • And it is that the designs on the shoulder often extend down the arm, building half the sleeve and the forearm.
  • If you’re concerned about how visible it might be, the shoulder is a medium-visibility body part.
  • It doesn’t have as much visibility as your forearm or hands, but it’s not hidden if you’re wearing summer clothes, especially tank tops.
  • If you like it and you think you will not have image problems tomorrow, then there is little to say: get the tattoo on your shoulder that you want so much.
  • Indeed, I will explain the advantages to you and ultimately convince you if you had a little doubt.

Advantages of getting a shoulder tattoo

  • The advantages of getting a tattoo on the shoulder are several. I have already mentioned the most important: it is an area that is not always visible.
  • But also, tattoos for the shoulders are not usually particularly painful.
  • The ones located inside the arm and around the clavicle are, so you should consider this if the design you want to tattoo extends through these areas.
  • On the other hand, the shoulder offers a reasonably large surface, although we may think otherwise.
  • As it also covers part of the back, when it comes to getting an inconspicuous tattoo, the shoulder easily allows the designs to spread to other areas.

Advantages of getting a shoulder tattoo

Alternatives to a shoulder tattoo

  • If you doubt whether to do it or not, you can think of an alternative area to get your design tattooed.
  • Finding an alternative to a tattoo on the shoulder is complicate.
  • It is an anatomical part in a particular way, but it is not impossible.
  • The earliest thing you have to consider is the size of the design.
  • An alternative to tattooing the shoulders can be to do the same on the shoulder blade or even on the back, which offers a lot of skin surface.
  • Instead of those areas, some prefer to adapt the design to the side’s space, just as valid.
  • In short, practically anybody area is susceptible to receiving ink.
  • What happens is that each site can involve greater visibility or pain than others and vice versa. So if you think the best, then get a tattoo.
  • Nobody better than yourself to decide on you.
  • As you can see, you can choose from a multitude of shoulder tattoos.
  • Shoulder is one of the most sensual in women and one of the manliest in men, so a good tattoo in this area can always provide extra beauty.

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